The Alt-Left and The Alt-Right Are The Same People (or social justice is the same as white nationalism)

We are seeing an increase in mass shootings in the last few years. Republicans blamed it on the policies and behavior of Obama, Democrats are blaming it on the policies and behavior of Trump. Both are right, both are wrong. What people don’t seem to realize is that the alt-left groups, like feminism, BLM, LGBT and the “social justice” movement, are the same people as the alt-right groups like the white nationalists. How can this possibly be? They seem to be bitter enemies. Often clashing in the streets with encounters ending in bloodshed and property damage. It is true they play for different teams and there is a bitter rivalry between them, but the teams themselves are in the same league.

Aren’t groups like feminism, BLM, LGBT and Social Justice leftwing groups advocating for their groups and white nationalists ultra-rightwing? Well, yes, but only if you look at it from one perspective. From the perspective of an average person, both groups are leftist. All of these groups are designed to advocate for their particular group identity. People who do not identify with their group identity are looked at as the enemy. In all of these groups the “we” is much more important the “me”.

To illustrate my point let’s look at the chart I’ve made. A little background may be needed to understand this chart. At the heart of all of this is the desire for freedom and liberty. The question becomes how do we get there. When you peel back all the layers of our lives, things like our families, friends, religions, politics eventually you get to the foundations of your belief system. Essentially, what makes you believe what you believe. The question, with regards to freedom and liberty, at the base of it all is,” Do I own myself”. While most everything in your life falls on a spectrum, this does not. This is a binary choice that defines your axiomatic truth.

On the left side of the chart you have collectivism, you can also use “social”, to describe this side of the chart. On the right you have Individualism, you can also use “personal”, to describe this side of the chart.

If you answer “yes” to the question of self-ownership, then you also, by definition, also own your property, your rights and your justice. These things belong to you as an individual. This means that you can buy and sell your property as you see fit. Rights are universal and every person on earth owns these rights for themselves. This means that you can buy and sell, or give away your rights as you see fit. Justice is personal. This means that you and you alone are responsible for your actions. You are punished for crimes as an individual and you are rewarded for accomplishments in the same way.

If you answer “no” to the question of self-ownership, it means that you cannot own property. Property is owned socially, or by society at large and divided by whatever mechanism the community sees fit. Rights are social, meaning that the community dictates who has rights and who does not. Generally, this is decided by creating a scale of privilege and oppression. Rights are taken from groups that have more privilege and given to those with less privilege. In this way, the most oppressed people have the most rights. This is done to balance the scale and make everyone as equal as possible. There is social justice. This means that the groups formed in this hierarchy of privilege and oppression are wholly responsible for both crime and accomplishments. You might have heard people say things like, “all white people are racist”, or “all straight people are homophobic”, or “black people invented the…”. In short, there are no individuals, only your group identity.

These core belief systems give rise to the line at the top of the chart. This is the political layer, where your core beliefs are put into action. If you answer “yes”, you tend toward capitalism. If you answer “no”, you tend toward socialism. These are broad terms that have many variations. Communism, for instance, is just a subset of socialism, the most extreme version. Anarcho-capitalism is the most extreme form of capitalism. If you think of communism as being at the extreme left of the line with 100% collectivist worldview and anarcho-capitalism at the extreme right with 100% individualist worldview, then what is in the middle? It would stand to reason that it would tend to be 50% communal and 50% individual right? In political terms you could say that it is a system where the property is owned by individuals, but controlled by society, or the other way around, where the property is owned by society, but controlled by private individuals. Well, there is such a system, it’s called national socialism in the first case and crony-capitalism in the second. Both have the common term, fascism. This is area of the chart with the blue rectangle.

That’s right! Fascism is only extreme right when viewed from the lens of a socialist. For a capitalist, fascism is an extreme left position. Social justice groups, like the feminist movement, BLM and LGBT, are using the same worldview as the white nationalists are. Collectivism. Sure, they are way more extreme leftists than white nationalists are, but the outcome is always the same. When Antifa calls the KKK Alt-right, they are basically admitting that they use the same worldview.

Why is there a rise in violence in recent years? It’s because collectivism always leads to violence. 100% of the time. Why? Because of that pesky hierarchy of privilege and oppression. The weak make the rules and get to impose them on the strong. The oppressed get the rights and justice until they become the oppressors and the cycle starts over. There is a constant competition for the title of most oppressed. Couple that feeling of constant dread of being deemed “privileged”, with the knowledge that you can do nothing about it because you don’t own your rights, or yourself. At the end of the day, all you have left is violence.

So why is this all happening? One of the main reasons is that the idea of social justice has been adopted by major universities, media outlets and government. The concept of privilege has been almost universally adopted as true in these places, although there is no basis in fact for it. White men are starting to feel oppressed by these other social groups and are fighting back. See what I did there? “white men are starting to feel oppressed…”. As if there is a single entity called “white men”. It’s really hard not to get caught up in the language of the leftist.

How can we fix this? In short, education. We need to make sure our children understand their self-ownership. Once they get to college it’s almost too late. We all need to think deeper than republican/democrat. Get to the essence of why you believe what you believe. Is your core belief system in line with your politics? You can’t be a socialist if you think you own yourself. You can’t be a capitalist if you believe in social justice. If you are an individual, you have to realize that feminism is bad for women, BLM is bad for black people and LGBT is bad for gay people. If you can’t be that honest with yourself, how are you supposed to teach anyone else? By all means, use the chart above to help you if you need it. If you have questions, talk to someone you trust. Talk to me if you have no one else. I’ll do my best to help you.